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Proxeny by the Olbians to Dionysios, of Istros 

Carrier: Slab

Material: Marble

Object description: Lower fragment of the slab was sawn off in the secondary use, cornice was hewn off, and top was rounded. Face side is polished, there is hole alone edges in the back side. First five lines of the inscription are damaged by deep slanting notches. 
Finding site: Tauric Chersonesos

Finding conditions: Discovered in 1902 during the excavation of the Church Outside the City Walls, in the stonework blocking the door between the chancel and chapel. Excavated by Karl Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich.

Keeping place: NPTC

Inventory number: 3615

Sizes (cm): [39]/27/12

Letter height (cm): 1.8

Chronology: First half of the third century BC

Matirial author: Igor' Makarov

PTM Image of the object
PTMs (Polynomial Texture Maps) dynamically display the way light illuminates objects.

The information present in PTM images enables the PTM viewer to display the image using lighting models similar to those employed to illuminate virtual 3D-objects.

These models allow different properties of the illumination experience such as light direction, color, reflectivity, and the sharpness of highlights to be displayed together or separately.

The models also permit mathematical enhancement of illumination properties which can disclose surface characteristics impossible to capture with the naked eye or standard photography.

Viewer allows you to display PTMs using your Java-enabled web browser.

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